Thursday 14 March 2013

Final Cut Feedback

After we had shown our opening sequence, we wanted honest feedback from the audience. We were prepared for some negative feedback and these will be taken into consideration, but overall we were quite excited to see how our target audience would react to our film opening.  I had taken record of what was said about it so I could post it on my blog!

Positive Feedback:

  • Was very good, built an atmosphere.
  • Continuity was well done.
  • Effective- but not a lot too it.
  • Appropriate music.
  • The feet shots were really good.
  • Captures the eerieness well.
  • Well filmed with smooth continuity.
Negative Feedback:

  • Running could be a little more convincing, looks a bit like jogging.
  • Was like a trailer.
  • Not enough storyline
  • A bit repetitive. 

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