Paranormal Activity 3
Use of Camera
The camera in this opening sequence is used in a way which shows that it is a home video. There aren't any specific shots, its quite shaky and jumpy with lots of moving around and showing different things. It is a home video of a couple moving into a new house and are expecting baby, in the opening scene they painting the baby's room and show the audience around the baby's room.

As the filming is mean't to look like a home video, there aren't any fancy editing techniques. The videos are all very long and only have simple cuts going onto another time and place as if they have just stopped filming and turned the camera off for a while and then turned it on again when they have decided they want to film something new.
Use of Sound
There is not any music throughout the opening scene, just the sound of the people in the video talking to each other having a general conversation. If there were sound such as background music, then it wouldn't be a very realistic home video and would be more like a set up. If there were to be any sound it should be something such as the radio or television sound in the background.
The mise-en-scene of this opening sequence is a normal house with lots of boxes, furniture and things packed to show that they have just moved house. There aren't any made up settings. They are just living their day-to-day life in their home getting ready for when their new baby arrives.
There was obviously a script written for this film but it is just general conversation like you would have any normal day. The script is also spoken in a way which gives the effect that they haven't rehearsed what they are going to say and is completely unplanned. For example, the sister asks them if she can put some of her stuff in their basement and they have to think and come to an agreement together. This is a realistic, everyday life conversation, not something you would find in a typical thriller film.
The opening scene to paranormal activity doesn't show any themes as they trying to not give away too much, however throughout the film there isn't specific theme either. Its about possession, ghosts and being scared of what is going to happen next and as there is lots of suspense.
Function of the films opening sequence
The function of this films opening sequence is to simply set the scene of where the main events of the film are going to happen and who the main characters of the film are going to be. It doesn't let us know who the good people are or who the bad people are, this is something that is going to keep the audience wondering and want to carry on watching.
The Devil Inside
Use of camera
The opening sequence to this film is a quite different because they don't actually use a camera at all. They use a sound clip of a phone call which a women had made to the police confessing that she had killed 3 people. I think this is an effective way to start a film because straight away you know the background story to the film and will know what is happening in the film clearly.
Because there is no camera involved in the opening sequence, there isn't much editing but they do type out the phone call on the screen to read because the voices aren't the clearest to understand. This would be quite simple to do because all the editor would have had to do it type out what they were saying and put them onto a clip with a black background.
Use of Sound
The only sound in this opening sequence is the sound of the two people talking on the phone and any background noise of where the phone call is taken place. There is also the ringing sound when the caller hangs up the phone on the police.
The narrative of the opening sequence is not scripted because The Devil Inside is based on a true story and the clip of the phone call is the real phone which was made by someone in 1989 in their own home to the police.
The opening sequence lets us know quite early on that this film is about a women who had murdered 3 people, but we don't how or why just yet. This would make the audience want to carry on watching to find out the story behind the murder and why it happened.
Function of the films opening sequence
The function of the films opening sequence is to give the audience a bit of background information and to let them know what the main story of the film is based on. Unfortunately, I was not able to talk about the Mise-en-scene of this opening sequence because there is no camera filming involved, it is just a plain black background with text.
Seven (Se7en)
Use of camera
The camera shots in the opening sequence of Seven involve lots of close up and snappy, glitchy shots. This creates the effect of lots of movement and makes them feel confused and maybe uncomfortable. Its like the opening sequence is trying to tell a story within a few minutes by using lots of different shots and cutting them short.
The editing of this opening sequence is very snappy and lots of shots have been taken very close up and been cut very short and put together to create the glitchy effect. I like this effect because it is interesting to watch as your not looking at the same thing for a long time and its not just plain backgrounds with text.
Use of Sound
The background music is this title sequence is quite a low sound but with a fast tempo. It creates the effect of fast movement and like something important is being done such as some sort of task or mission.
The mise-en-scene in this title sequence in very dark and it looks like an office or a basement. There are lots of little lights glaring on important subjects. I think that a type of investigation or research is happening because the character is cutting out lots of images and sticking them into a folder, reading through books and writing down lots of notes.
Use of Titles
The titles in this opening sequence look like they are almost handwritten. They look scribbled and go in and out of focus. I like this effect because I like how they move slightly when they appear on the screen, they arent perfectly in line with eachother and are placed in different positions. I like the way these titles are create because I like the idea of hand written writing and I like the contrast of the white titles on the dark background, they stand out well.

Fuction of the films opening sequence
The function of this films opening sequence is to tell you who is involved in the film. They tell you who play the characters, who the director is and who all the names of people who play an important role in the creation of this film.
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