Tuesday 29 January 2013

Opening Sequence Summary

This is a small post to explain and summarise my opening sequence. My opening sequence is going to be set in the woods and will be shot around 5/6pm as I want the skies to be slightly dark and grey. There will be two characters, both girls named Olivia and Amelie, and they will be running through the woods trying to escape from their father who has been haunting them ever since his death. As they are running, there will be titles on screen about every 5 seconds telling the audience the people who are involved in the creation of the film such as the Director and Producer. Near the end of the the sequence, Amelie gets pulled to the ground and gets dragged along the floor, we do not see who is pulling her as it is the ghost of their father. After this has happened, the title of the film appears on screen very snappy and quickly.

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