Monday 25 February 2013

Day One of Editing

Today during our media lesson, we uploaded all of our footage onto the computers and loaded them into Final Cut Pro. We watched all of them to help us decided on which ones we will need during our editing process and which ones we do not need and can be deleted. There were a few clips that we didn't need because they were little clips that were taken by accident and others that didn't look as good as we had expected. However we did film each part several times just incase some of them were as usable as others, which was good as we needed the extra clips! 

We also got time to start some of the editing today aswell, which is good because it means that we will find out if there is anything we need to re-film or improve on sooner rather than later. We decided that we were going to edit all of the clips together first and then add music,effects and voiceovers afterwards.


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