Wednesday 6 February 2013

Title Sequence Ideas and Planning

Before I decide what shots will be in my film and what is going to happen, I need to decide and plan on thing such as the type of font, colours and where I want my titles to be, during the sequence or before. To get started, I am going to research and look at different fonts that relate and suit a horror film well. The fonts need to be relevant because it would be useless having girly, pretty writing as it would look strange on a title sequence for a horror film. To research different fonts, I went onto





These are the four fonts that I thought were most appropriate to use on a horror film title sequence. I have decided to use two different fonts, one for the titles telling us the people who were involved in the creation of the film and a different font for the actual title of the film which will appear at the end of the title sequence.

For the titles which will be on screen throughout the sequence, I have chosen to use Example 4. This is because it is not as bold as the other fonts and I think it would look better and be easier to read and it isnt as chunky or bold. For the main title of the film, at the end of the sequence, I need a font which is bold and will grab attention. The font I have chosen for this is font example 1. This is because it is a strong, bold and rigid font and I think it stands out a lot. I also like the scratched detail filling the letters.

These fonts relate to what the film is about because they are simple, easy to read and they don't look 'gory'. By this I mean that they dont have blood dripping off them as this wouldnt suit a thriller film because it doesnt have any blood or gore in it. For a thriller film, you need simple fonts that stand out at the same time. I like font example 4 because it looks like it has been hand written and if you were to find handwriting in a thriller film it would normally scare the audience and create tension, which is the main objective.

I have decided to introduce my titles throughout my opening sequence as it is playing. They will be placed on the trees, on the floor and moving behind the characters as they are moving. This incorporates the titles in with the opening sequence which saves time and also makes it more interesting as I will be able to animate the titles more and it will add different shots into the sequence.

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