Wednesday 6 February 2013

Storyboard and Shot List

Shot 1
This first shot in our title sequence is the establishing shot, this will be a Medium Long shot which will show the audience where our sequence is set and give a wide view of the woods. We chose to use a medium long shot because it introduces the setting to the audience well, it will also be a hand held shot to give the filming a documentary/home video effect. This shot will last for the first 1-10 seconds and the first voice over will be played throughout.

Shot 2

The second shot in our sequence is where our first title will be on screen. The title will on the tree as the two girls are running past. When the title appears on screen, the whole screen will freeze and go fuzzy for a few seconds. The type of shot we chose for this is a Medium Shot,this shot was chosen because as the two girls are running, they will be closer to the trees than in the first shot, but not close enough to be called a Close Up. This shot will last for the next 5 seconds, and these type of shots will be repeated throughout the sequence to allow screen time for the titles.

Shot 3

For the third shot, this is where the audience are introduced to Olivia. She will briefly appear on screen and as this happens a voice over of her thoughts will be played. The shot type chosen for this moment is a Medium Long Shot, this will allow enough space on the screen to be able to see the majority of her body. Another title will appear in this shot behind Olivia and move with her as she runs as if it is following her. This shot will be on screen for 5 seconds.

Shot 4

The fourth shot will be a Medium Close Up and the camera will face down to the floor, as if the camera was looking through their eyes. This is where another title will be on screen, it will place on the floor of the woods, the screen will freeze and go fuzzy. After a few seconds the screen will unfreeze and start moving again and the whole shot will last around 5 seconds.

Shot 5

The fifth shot of the sequence will be a Close Up and will be filming their feet as they carry on running.     The title will be behind them following their feet and this will continue until the character has gone out of the screen. Behind them we will be able to see lots of sticks, mud and stones on the floor and trees in the background. Again, this shot will last for 5 seconds.

Shot 6

The sixth shot of our sequence will be a High Angle, establishing shot. In this shot, the two girls will be running together through the woods and we will be able to see them looking behind and all around them showing that they are scared. This shot will include Match on Action as we will see them running from the side but will also go back to seeing through their eyes, so they will need to match and look like it happened continuously otherwise it will not play smoothly and will be jumpy. When we see the two girls running together through the woods, another title will be on screen following them.

Shot 7

Shot seven will be where Amelie will be pulled to the floor and get dragged backwards along the floor. For this we will need to use a Low Angle Medium Shot and to show her being dragged along the floor, the camera will move backwards. This shot will also be on screen for 5 seconds. At the very end of this shot, a screaming sound will start and carry on into the next shot.

Shot 8

Shot eight of our title sequence will be where the title of our film will appear on screen. This will be a Medium Shot and when the title appears on the screen it will be very sudden and quick. In this shot the music will stop, we will just be able to hear the screaming and this will slowly fade out as it will be the ending of the sequence. In the background of this shot, it will be a dark shot of the woods and the title will be projected onto the trees in our chosen font.

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