Friday 8 February 2013

Props List

For my opening sequence I do not need many props as the main focus will be creating a scary atmosphere and using different camera shots to help create the atmosphere and help the audience relate to the emotions of the characters. However, we do need a few props and these will be simply the characters costumes, tripod and a head camera. The costumes the characters will be wearing will be a simple and casual day to day outfit consisting of plain tops, jeans, a jacket and plain Converse shoes.

I think these costumes show the age of the girls well as they are teenagers and shows that the film is set in modern day (2013).  We will use the tripod to film our long shots of the girls running through the woods and this prop will be useful because we can vary the hight of the tripod to show different angles of the characters, giving different emotions of vunrability and status. The head camera will be used to film shots which are coming from the girls point of view such as when they are running through the woods, looking around and behind them so show they are scared and uneasy

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