Wednesday 20 February 2013

Filming Schedule

Wednesday 20th February
We will be filming shot 1,2,3,4 on this day. We will not be filming the rest of the shots as it will become too dark to film.
Weston Woods
Hand held camera

GoPro Camera

Tripod if needed.

Characters Costumes.
Friday 22nd February
On the Friday we will be filming the remaining shots. These are 5,6,7,8. We will have to make sure than we film at around the same time a Wednesday so that the lighting is the same.
Weston Woods.
Hand held camera

GoPro camera

Tripod if needed

Characters costumes
Sunday 24th February
On Sunday we will be recording the voiceovers so they are ready for when we start editing the footage together.
Josie’s House
Mac Computer using Final Cut Pro

The table above is the time schedule that my filming partner and I have agreed on. The dates and times need to be suitable for both of us so we decided on days that we can go to our location together straight after college and on the Sunday when both of us are free.

We had arranged dates and times previously over text and discussed this in more depth at college to decide on what shots that we are will be doing on certain days and what we are going to need. Evidence of these text message are below, I print screened them and uploaded them to my blog.

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